RASL has 18 years of experience in space radiation effects and has provided expert space radiation support to over 40 companies world wide. Some of the companies RASL have performed radiation consultancy for include...

Amongst many others, some select examples of the missions I have worked on...

Galileo IOV/FOC (European navigation system)
Over a decades experience on the Galileo project in radiation assurance at Payload and Prime level over the IOV and FOC phases. Ensuring payload and platform equipment from a wide array of suppliers across Europe meet ESA project requirements. Radiation modelling, TID, TNID, SEE and charging analysis and documentation for several equipment performed.

Performed both the radiation and thermal analysis for the platform of this SSTL/Airbus SAR mission.

Quantum telecommunication satellite
Radiation assurance and project specification production at platform level whilst working for SSTL. Subsequently undertaken radiation assurance at payload and prime level for Airbus D&S.

Carried out the radiation assurance for an equipment supplier to the ExoMars project. Comprehensive radiation effects analysis and documentation ensuring total ionising dose, total non-ionising dose, Single Event Effects and materials damage were all compliant to project requirements. Indicated potential EEE component radiation testing needs and mitigation options for SEE.
The Gateway will be an outpost orbiting the Moon that provides vital support for a sustainable, long-term human return to the lunar surface, as well as a staging point for deep space exploration. RASL have provided detailed radiation analysis services for the European Radiation Sensors Array (ERSA) payload

Canadarm3 will be Canada's contribution to the US-led Gateway, a lunar outpost that will enable sustainable human exploration of the Moon. This robotic system will use cutting-edge software to perform some tasks around the Moon autonomously and without human intervention. RASL is responsible for the Pan-Tilt unit radiation hardness assurance.

RASL is leading the Radiation Control Board (RCB) review process for multiple equipments, including an X-band Transponder. This involves conducting thorough reviews of supplier radiation analysis, WCA and FMEA documentation and detailed schematic reviews primarily for SEE assurance. I am responsible for chairing meetings with the equipment supplier and full customer chain and ensuring the equipment are compliant to project Radiation Hardness Assurance (RHA) requirements.

ESA Missions
RASL has worked on numerous ESA missions covering many types of classification from full class I to class IV. These include missions in the ESA Class-F, Class-M and Class-S programmes and also missions such as Galileo IOV & FOC, EarthCARE and MetOp.

Product Developments
Provided consultancy services and guidance for multiple SMEs and New Space companies in the space industry. Primarily in the development of new and novel equipment, aiding with component selection, radiation level predictions / shielding solutions, single event effect rate analysis and mitigations and radiation testing options that are appropriate to the mission and requirements